6. August, 2018
Periodic reports reflecting the main findings on monitoring the implementation of measures for the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions was prepared in collaboration with stakeholders and experts.
Več o temOther reports available in the Slovene language can be found here. English abstracts are available for the following reports:
Več o temOur team members continuously contribute insights and research on climate policy in the fields of their expertise: energy, forestry, economy among others. Here you can find the full list of their scientific and other contributions, prepared based on the LIFE ClimatePath2050 project results.
Več o temWe are starting with Day One of the international conference. You can find the full programme here. The conference will also be LIVE streamed via YouTube. You can watch the stream here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWs2e0NGgiQYOw0EiX1XOjg
Več o temThis paper describes the establishment of the Climate Action Mirror, an integrated national climate action monitoring system in Slovenia. The main aim of the Mirror was to encourage policymakers to use analyses more to track the progress of the implementation of climate actions and thus to steer these activities towards a climate-neutral society. The system was developed in three annual cycles, in consultation with stakeholders and including a wide network of experts.
Več o temEN Vlada je letos aprila sprejela Resolucijo o Dolgoročni podnebni strategiji Slovenije do leta 2050. Cilj, ki si ga Slovenija zastavlja v tem dokumentu, je doseganje podnebne nevtralnosti oz. neto ničelnih emisij do leta 2050. Predlog Resolucije je predviden za obravnavo na 24. redni seji Državnega zbora (predvidoma julija), še pred tem bo obravnavana na […]
Več o temOver three days of the LIFE CLimatePath2050 international conference “Designing Pathways toward Climate Neutrality” we have listened to insightful lectures from experts all around Europe. You are now able to access the conference recordings as well as the presentations.
Več o temCONFERENCE PROGRAMME LIFE ClimatePath2050 International Conference: Designing Pathways toward Climate Neutrality Hybrid event: in Ljubljana and online via Zoom. All the international speakers are participating online. The conference will be held in the English language. Wednesday, 6 October 2021 Session I: How ambitious are the long-term climate strategies? 9.00 Welcome addresses […]
Več o temLIFE ClimatePath2050 International Conference: Designing Pathways toward Climate Neutrality Hybrid event: Ljubljana and online via Zoom All the international speakers are participating online. Session I: How ambitious are the long-term climate strategies? Gwenaël Podesta, Deputy Head of the emissions, projections and modelling unit, the French Ministry of Ecological Transition Gwenaël is deputy head of the […]
Več o temThis is a list of commonly asked questions and answers regarding the conference Designing Pathways Toward Climate Neutrality, which will take place from 6 to 8 October 2021 and will be organized in a hybrid form. If you have additional questions please write us at climate climatepath2050@ijs.si. Registration: How can I register? Registration will be possible […]
Več o temOver three days of the LIFE CLimatePath2050 international conference “Designing Pathways toward Climate Neutrality” we have listened to insightful lectures from experts all around Europe. You are now able to access the conference recordings as well as the presentations.
Več o temAnalyses made in the LIFE ClimatePath2050 project have shown that Slovenia has an opportunity to become a climate neutral country by the middle of the century. On this basis, Slovenia has decided on its target: to achieve climate neutrality by 2050 and it included this in its Long-term Climate Strategy.
Več o temThe results of the LIFE ClimatePath2050 project, which ends in December 2021, are now also summarized in the video entitled “Our goal is climate neutrality”.
Več o temFocus, the Association for Sustainable Development, and the Jožef Stefan Institute conducted a public discussion about the long-term climate strategy and the expectations of different stakeholders and groups: political parties, interest groups, NGOs, and others. Guests from the EU NGO Climate Foundation and the European Commission attended the event. The key question addressed at the […]
Več o temThe workshop focused on the financial reforms needed in Slovenia for the transition to a low-carbon society and facilitated an exchange of views on financing among financial and climate change experts. Date: 11 December 2019 Workshop Material: Potentials for reducing GHG emissions by 2050 and medium-term challenges: Financing the transition and the tax policies (SL), […]
Več o temThe Paris Agreement can only be successfully implemented if climate change and its challenges are addressed through the participation of different stakeholders at all levels. How does the LIFE ClimatePath2050 project contribute to compliance with targets? Watch the video below to learn more:
Več o temThe Government of the Republic of Slovenia adopted the long-term climate strategy to become climate neutral by 2050. Background analyses (projections of GHG emissions reduction) were prepared by a consortium led by the JSI Energy Efficiency Centre within the LIFE ClimatePath2050 project. In a short lecture, JSI experts presented the methodology and projections for greenhouse […]
Več o temThe Energy Efficiency Centre of the Jožef Stefan Institute and the LIFE ClimatePath2050 consortium partners announce the final conference of the project: Designing Pathways toward Carbon Neutrality, which will take place from 6 to 8 October 2021 and will be organized in a hybrid form. The conference intends to further connect the modelling community and decision-makers, including stakeholders participating in decision-making.
Več o temOur team members continuously contribute insights and research on climate policy in the fields of their expertise (e.g., energy, forestry, economy) in international journals such as Energy, International Journal of Environmental Science and Development, Energy Policy, Energy for Sustainable Development, among others.
Več o temIn the preparation of strategic documents for the transition to a low-carbon society at the Jožef Stefan Institute – Energy Efficiency Centre, a meeting of experts was held to exchange views and review the status and direction of activities in the transition to a low-carbon society. The expert consultation was part of a series of technical workshops […]
Več o temIn the frame of LIFE ClimatePath2050 project, we conducted a photo competition for youth entitled Climate Path. Since the project is also focusing on climate action until 2050 – that said the climate that they will live in and experience it, we decided to focus our photo contest on young people and to see their […]
Več o temProjections of GHG emissions reduction up to 2050 were prepared for Slovenia within the LIFE ClimatePath2050 project and used as the analytical background for the preparation of multiple official documents:
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