

Lead partner of LIFE ClimatePath2050


The Energy Efficiency Centre of Jožef Stefan Institute (JSI) coordinates project implementation and specific actions: the analysis of potentials, the development of models and tools, the preparation of GHG projections and the assessment of impacts. In addition, it contributes to the development of sectoral models for energy consumption in industry, households, transport and local energy supply, process emissions and waste, and horizontal analyses of micro-economic impacts, GHG emissions, and air pollution, among others.

In addition, it coordinates actions for upgrading systems for the monitoring and implementation of measures and annual preparation of the Climate Action Mirror. In cooperation with partners, it prepares analyses of existing measures.

In cooperation with the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, it coordinates the interaction between analyses and decision-makers, as well as actions that will enable more frequent and better use of background analyses for decision-making.

In cooperation with its partners, it implements project actions for local communities.

Project Partners

ELEK, d. o. o. focuses on the evaluation of potentials for reducing emissions in the following sectors: energy supply, industry, and related new horizontal technology. With an optimization model for planning the expansion of the power system capacity, ELEK calculates long-term energy balances and projections of reliability and competitiveness indicators in the power sector.

Building and Civil Engineering Institute, ZRMK, d. o. o. (GI ZRMK) focuses on the evaluation of potentials for GHG emissions reduction in buildings, in particular, the contribution of measures in the building envelope. It is also focused on the feasibility of measures for cultural heritage buildings, among others.

Institute for Economic Research (IER) is responsible for the development of the macroeconomic model that is linked with the energy model within the project. Within GHG emissions reduction scenario analysis, it contributes to the assessment of the socio-economic effects.

The Agricultural Institute of Slovenia (KIS) focuses on the potential of GHG emissions reduction in the agricultural sector, in particular in the agricultural sector according to ICCC classification, in the sector of land use, land-use change in agriculture, and regarding energy use in agriculture. Within the climate path analysis, it prepares projections of GHG emissions in the stated sectors. Within the analysis of the Climate Action Mirror, it prepares analyses of the existing measures in the IPCC agricultural sector.

PNZ, d. o. o. focuses on the potentials of GHG emissions reduction in the transport sector, in particular on the possible reduction of the transport demand. Within the climate path analysis, it prepares projections of the transport demand and modal split.

The Slovenian Forestry Institute (SFI) focuses on the potentials of GHG emissions reduction in LULUCF. It is responsible for the development of the model for projections of GHG sinks and emissions. Within the scenario analysis, it prepares projections of GHG emissions for the mentioned sector.

The project is financed from the LIFE financial mechanism managed by the European Commission and from the Climate Fund of the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Slovenia.

LIFE ClimatePath2050 project (LIFE16 GIC/SI/000043) is financed by the LIFE financial mechanism managed by the European Commission and from the Climate Change Fund of the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Slovenia.