Analyses made in the LIFE ClimatePath2050 project have shown that Slovenia has an opportunity to become a climate neutral country by the middle of the century. On this basis, Slovenia has decided on i…
Več o temOver three days of the LIFE CLimatePath2050 international conference "Designing Pathways toward Climate Neutrality" we have listened to insightful lectures from experts all around Europe. You are now …
Več o temWe are starting with Day One of the international conference. You can find the full programme here. The conference will also be LIVE streamed via YouTube. You can watch the stream here: https://www.y…
Več o temThe results of the LIFE ClimatePath2050 project, which ends in December 2021, are now also summarized in the video entitled "Our goal is climate neutrality".…
Več o temThe Energy Efficiency Centre of the Jožef Stefan Institute and the LIFE ClimatePath2050 consortium partners announce the final conference of the project: Designing Pathways toward Carbon Neutrali…
Več o temProjections of GHG emissions reduction up to 2050 were prepared for Slovenia within the LIFE ClimatePath2050 project and used as the analytical background for the preparation of multiple official docu…
Več o temOur team members continuously contribute insights and research on climate policy in the fields of their expertise (e.g., energy, forestry, economy) in international journals such as Energy, Internatio…
Več o tem