19. July, 2021
LIFE ClimatePath2050 International Conference:
Designing Pathways toward Climate Neutrality
Hybrid event: in Ljubljana and online via Zoom.
All the international speakers are participating online.
The conference will be held in the English language.
9.00 Welcome addresses
Prof. Dr. Boštjan Zalar, Director, Jožef Stefan Institute
Dr. Martin Batič, Ministry of the environment and spatial planning
Dr. Primož Simončič, Director, The Slovenian Forestry Institute
9.15 Keynote speakers
Long-term vision in practice, Dr. Robert Golob, Director, Gen-I
How important is it that the long-term strategies are participatory and inclusive? Richard Baron, 2050 Pathways Platform
Fit for 55 and the long-term targets in the EU, Alban Kitous, DG Climate Action
10.10 Lectures: Lessons learned
Climate policy framework in the Netherlands, Ayolt de Groot, Head of Unit (Policy Analysis), Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy
Long-term climate strategy of Austria, Gertraud Wollansky, Senior expert, Austrian Federal Ministry of Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology
LIFE ClimatePath2050 experiences – extensive consultations on LTS background analyses, Katarina Trstenjak, Jožef Stefan Institute Long-term strategy for carbon neutrality by 2050
11.00 Networking (on-line) and at coffee break (in Ljubljana)
Sharing experiences and solutions in parallel break-up rooms
A. Are small countries specific? Moderated by Matjaž Česen, Jožef Stefan Institute
B. Comparison of LTS progress in Visegrad group. Introduction and moderated by Aleksander Sinegocki, WiseEuropa
11.30 Coffee Break
12.00 Round table discussion
Aligning short-term climate action with long-term climate goals?
Ayolt de Groot, Head of Unit (Policy Analysis), Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy
Gwenaël Podesta, Deputy head of the emission projection and modelling office, Ministry of the Ecological Transition, FR
Gertraud Wollansky, Senior expert, Austrian Federal Ministry of Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology
Dr. Martin Batič, Ministry of the environment and spatial planning
How important is it that the long-term strategies are participatory and inclusive?
Aligning short-term climate action with long-term climate goals?
How is climate justice addressed in the climate strategies? Many faces of climate justice are already considered in climate strategies – are there still important gaps?
13.00 Lunch break
14.00 Lectures
Monitoring climate actions
The Climate Action Mirror and the Local Climate Action Scoreboard, Barbara Petelin Visočnik, Energy Efficiency Centre, Jožef Stefan Institute
Tracking progress of climate and energy policies in the Netherlands, Martijn Verdonk, Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO), Climate governance landscapes in Europe, Matthias Duwe, Ecologic Institute
15.00 Round table discussion
How to enhance the use of monitoring results for climate governance?
Martijn Verdonk, Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO)
Matthias Duwe, Ecologic Institute
Matjaž Česen, Energy Efficiency Centre, Jožef Stefan Institute
Good practices in monitoring the implementation and use of monitoring results for climate governance.
How is monitoring integrated into “plan-do-check-act” practice and what can be improved?
Are our projections sufficiently calibrated with the monitoring results?
The importance of monitoring the implementation of climate actions at the level of local communities and interlinkage with monitoring actions at the national level.
16.00 End of the 1st day
9.00 Lectures
Carbon-neutral energy supply and the integration of sectors
An overview of modelling the integration of sectors with a focus on heat supply, Dr. prof. Neven Duić, University of Zagreb
Power-to-X as sector integration enabler, Dr. Iva Ridjan Skov, Aalborg University
Results of the LIFE ClimatePath2050 project, Dr. Gašper Stegnar, Energy Efficiency Centre, Jožef Stefan Institute
10.15 Coffee break and networking
A. New carbon neutral technologies
B. Energy intensive sectors
11.15 Lectures
The decarbonisation of industry
Modelling challenges of the decarbonisation of industry: GHG emissions projections for industry, Ravi Kantamaneni, Director, Energy and Climate, ICF
Results of the LIFE ClimatePath2050 project for industry, Dr. Matevž Pušnik, Energy Efficiency Centre, Jožef Stefan Institute
Carbon-neutral energy supply and the integration of sectors (continued)
Role of the integration of sectors from the perspective of the transmission system operator (TSO), Gregor Goričar, ELES
12.45 Lunch break
14.00 Round table discussion
How can new challenges be addressed through new modelling approaches and analyses?
Dr. prof. Neven Duić, University of Zagreb
Dr. Andrea Herbst, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI
Gregor Goričar, ELES
Stane Merše, Energy Efficiency Centre, Jožef Stefan Institute
How can new challenges be addressed through new modelling approaches and analyses?
The integration of energy sectors requires modelling on new time and space scales – how do we cope with it?
How to address key uncertainties in deriving policy recommendations?
The implementation of policies will require social innovation – how to integrate multidisciplinary knowledge into modelling exercises?
15.30 End of the 2nd day
9.00 Lectures
Towards carbon neutrality in the LULUCF sector
Forest modelling within the LULUCF sector: new challenges and opportunities, Dr. Roberto Pilli, freelancer of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission
Using National Forest Inventory data and a tree growth model to evaluate the effects of climate change and climate change adaptation on the GHG balance of Austria’s forest-based sector, Dr. Thomas Ledermann, Department Forest Growth, Silviculture & Genetics, BFW
Results of the project LIFE ClimatePath2050 and perspectives for modelling forest carbon sinks in Slovenia, Dr. Boštjan Mali, Slovenian Forestry Institute
10.00 Coffee break and networking
10.30 Round-table discussion
The challenges of modelling and analysis of carbon-neutral pathway in the LULUCF sector
Dr. Roberto Pilli, freelancer of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission
Dr. Thomas Ledermann, Department Forest Growth, Silviculture & Genetics, BFW
Dr. Boštjan Mali, Slovenian Forestry Institute
How can new challenges be addressed through new modelling approaches and analyses?
Experience gained through the use of simulation models of carbon sequestration?
Challenges in data collection, preparation and calibration of models?
How to ensure wider, better, and easier use of analytical and modelling results in policy making?
12.00 Closing of the conference
EN Vlada je letos aprila sprejela Resolucijo o Dolgoročni podnebni strategiji Slovenije do leta 2050. Cilj, ki si ga Slovenija zastavlja v tem dokumentu, je doseganje podnebne nevtralnosti oz. neto ničelnih emisij do leta 2050. Predlog Resolucije je predviden za obravnavo na 24. redni seji Državnega zbora (predvidoma julija), še pred tem bo obravnavana na […]
Več o temLIFE ClimatePath2050 International Conference: Designing Pathways toward Climate Neutrality Hybrid event: Ljubljana and online via Zoom All the international speakers are participating online. Session I: How ambitious are the long-term climate strategies? Gwenaël Podesta, Deputy Head of the emissions, projections and modelling unit, the French Ministry of Ecological Transition Gwenaël is deputy head of the […]
Več o temCONFERENCE PROGRAMME LIFE ClimatePath2050 International Conference: Designing Pathways toward Climate Neutrality Hybrid event: in Ljubljana and online via Zoom. All the international speakers are participating online. The conference will be held in the English language. Wednesday, 6 October 2021 Session I: How ambitious are the long-term climate strategies? 9.00 Welcome addresses […]
Več o temOver three days of the LIFE CLimatePath2050 international conference “Designing Pathways toward Climate Neutrality” we have listened to insightful lectures from experts all around Europe. You are now able to access the conference recordings as well as the presentations.
Več o temOver three days of the LIFE CLimatePath2050 international conference “Designing Pathways toward Climate Neutrality” we have listened to insightful lectures from experts all around Europe. You are now able to access the conference recordings as well as the presentations.
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