

C Implementation Actions

The new decision support system helps decision-makers responsible for compliance with GHG emissions reduction targets according to the Paris Agreement. It supports the planning of future measures and goals for Slovenia and local communities.

Actions C1-C3 are aimed at preparing the analytical background for the Long-term Climate Strategy up to 2050 of Slovenia (LTS).

C1 Analysis of GHG Emissions Reduction Potentials for the LTS

The technical, economic, and achievable potentials of measures for the reduction of GHG emissions in buildings and the energy, transport, industry, energy supply, agriculture, forestry, and waste sectors were analysed.

Special attention was devoted to the new technologies shaping trends, such as electric mobility, energy storage, etc. Additionally, technical workshops were carried out highlighting the key development questions on the climate path.

Results from the fields of mobility and buildings are summarized for local communities.

C2 Modeling for the LTS

A set of models and tools was developed or upgraded to enable a comprehensive evaluation of different scenarios for GHG emissions reduction. The set of models enables the preparation of GHG projections and assessment of the impact on sectoral and other development objectives. A new model for the land-use sector and land-use change was constructed.

The results from the fields of mobility and buildings are collected in the Local Planning Tool.

C3 Projections of GHG Emissions and Impact Assessment for the LTS

A comprehensive analysis of different scenarios was carried out to enable the selection of the most sensible long-term climate path of Slovenia. For each scenario, GHG projections were prepared and the impacts assessed. The most important stages of the analysis were the following:

  1. Determination of the framework of the analysis, goals, and criteria for the comparison of scenarios;
  2. Identifying the external factors influencing GHG emissions on which decisions made in Slovenia do not have any influence;
  3. Preparation of scenarios for the reduction of GHG emissions: two scenarios with the existing measures and scenarios with additional measures for achieving the set goals;
  4. Calculation of GHG emissions projections for all scenarios and the impact assessment thereof;
  5. Comparison and discussion of results.

C4 System for Monitoring Progress in the Implementation of Climate Actions

In the LIFE ClimatePath2050 project, we also determine the effectiveness of climate change mitigation in Slovenia and whether the means are used effectively.

Three annual Climate Action Mirror reports have been published. With them, we monitor the implementation of measures for GHG emissions reduction in Slovenia. They comprise:

  • Indicators for monitoring the implementation of GHG emissions reduction measures
  • The catalogue of measures;
  • Analysis of the measures implemented;
  • A summary for decision-makers.

The Local Climate Action Scoreboard, another monitoring tool was also constructed for local communities. It is a web-based application that assists municipalities in monitoring progress in the implementation of measures and compliance with targets while serving as the foundation for the exchange of ideas and the mutual encouragement of municipalities in taking climate actions and the implementation of measures. Each year we organize special events for municipalities.

In addition, specific tasks are being conducted to upgrade the existing implementation monitoring system, improve the monitoring methodology, and reduce the administrative burden.

C5 The Coordination Process in Support of Decision-making

Two processes linking analytical work and decision-making took place:

The Climate Path process supports the planning of new targets and scenarios towards targets. A series of sectorial and plenary events for the discussion of key questions on the climate path were organized. The process is primarily intended to facilitate interaction between analysis (in the project conducted in the framework of Actions C1 and C3) and the preparation of the LTS of Slovenia. The process is open to all stakeholders and is conducted in the following stages: discussion of the potentials, scenario scoping, and discussion of the project results.

The Climate Action Mirror process supports the monitoring of the implementation of current measures and is intended to improve the implementation of measures and compliance with the set targets. Each year, except for 2020, special presentation events and preparatory workshops for a wide range of stakeholders were organized at the time of the release of the Climate Action Mirror reports. In 2020, stakeholder consultation took place online.

At the beginning of the project, in 2018 we also conducted a Survey on Capacities and Responsibilities for the Implementation of Measures for Reducing GHG Emissions.

D Monitoring the Effects of Project Actions

The project results were already used during its implementation to formulate new decisions and incentives, such as:

  • projections of GHG emissions and their impacts were used in the general national climate strategic and sectoral plans or strategies;
  • a system for monitoring the implementation of measures enables the improvement of measures, among which nine measures were put in focus;
  • the tools for local communities are used for important decisions related to climate and local communities.

If the implemented decisions use the results from the project, the latter will contribute to reducing GHG emissions and simultaneously reduce air pollutant emissions (NOX, SO2, NOx, NMVOC, NH3, PM 2.5).

The expected social effects. We also expect the project to indirectly positively impact the competitiveness of the economy and employment. The project will provide information and enable decision-makers to consider environmental as well as socio-economic goals in the preparation of climate policy, especially improving the competitiveness of the economy and employment. The project is also expected to have an indirect impact on living costs, the adequacy of the living environment and health, in addition to the fair distribution of climate change mitigation impacts among the population. The latter will be achieved by enabling decision-makers to follow the set goals in climate management. As such, the project will facilitate several synergies between climate governance and other policies.

E Dissemination of the Project Results

In addition to communication processes intended to provide direct decision-making support to all stakeholders conducted as part of Activity C5, we also disseminate the results through other channels.

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