

22. July, 2018

Other publications

Our team members continuously contribute insights and research on climate policy in the fields of their expertise: energy, forestry, economy among others. Here you can find the full list of their scientific and other contributions, prepared based on the LIFE ClimatePath2050 project results.

LIFE ClimatePath2050 – Project LIFEGENMON

Authors: Boštjan Mali

Link: http://www.lifegenmon.si/ifsa-winter-meeting-2018/

Citation: Boštjan Mali, LIFE ClimatePath2050, Projekt LIFEGENMON, IFSA Winter Meeting 2018, Ljubljana, 14.3.2018


Long-term strategic role of district heating and cooling in Slovenia

Authors: Damir Staničić, Stane Merše, Jure Čižman, Gašper Stegnar

Link: https://plus.si.cobiss.net/opac7/bib/32230695

Citation: STANIČIĆ, Damir, MERŠE, Stane, ČIŽMAN, Jure, STEGNAR, Gašper. Dolgoročna strateška vloga daljinskega ogrevanja in hlajenja v Sloveniji. V: Mednarodna konferenca daljinske energetike 2018, Portorož, 18.-20. marec 2018 : zimski paket Evropske komisije in digitalizacija daljinske energetike = International Conference on District Energy 2018, Portorož, 18.-20. March 2018 : European Commission’s clean energy package and digitalization in district energy. Ljubljana: Slovensko društvo za daljinsko energetiko = Slovenian District Energy Association, 2018.

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Are the biomass boilers solutions for Slovenian households?

Authors: Gašper Stegnar, Matjaž Česen, Jure Čižman, Stane Merše, Damir Staničić

Link: http://www.seep2018.uws.ac.uk/

Citation: STEGNAR, Gašper, ČESEN, Matjaž, ČIŽMAN, Jure, MERŠE, Stane, STANIČIĆ, Damir. Are the biomass boilers solutions for Slovenian households?. V: OLABI, Abdul Ghani (ur.). Renewable and sustainable energy developments beyond 2030 : proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Sustainable Energy & Environmental Protection. SEEP Conference 2018, 8-11 May 2018, Paisley, Scotland. Paisley: University of the West of Scotland, 2018. 8 str. ISBN 978-1-903978-60-3, ISBN 978-1-903978-61-0, ISBN 978-1-903978-62-7. 

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Assessing solar potential and battery instalment for self-sufficient buildings with simplified model

Authors: Marko Kovač, Gašper Stegnar, Matjaž Česen, Stane Merše

Link: https://plus.si.cobiss.net/opac7/bib/31415079

Citation: KOVAČ, Marko, STEGNAR, Gašper, ČESEN, Matjaž, MERŠE, Stane. Assessing solar potential and battery instalment for self-sufficient buildings with simplified model. V: OLABI, Abdul Ghani (ur.). Renewable and sustainable energy developments beyond 2030 : proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Sustainable Energy & Environmental Protection. SEEP Conference 2018, 8-11 May 2018, Paisley, Scotland. Paisley: University of the West of Scotland, 2018. 11 str. ISBN 978-1-903978-60-3, ISBN 978-1-903978-61-0, ISBN 978-1-903978-62-7.

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Retrospective view on the 2020 RES and EE reporting

Authors: Matjaž Česen


Citation: Matjaž Česen, Retrospective view on the 2020 RES and EE reporting – SLOVENIA, EIONET meeting, Energy and Environment, Copenhagen, Denmark, 10.9.2018


Key Services and Fields of Work, ETEKINA

Authors: Stane Merše


Citation: Stane Merše, Jozef Stefan Institute -Energy Efficiency Centre, Key Services and Fields of Work, ETEKINA, project meeting, Ljubljana, Slovenija, 17.9.2018


Communication between modelers and policy makers

Authors: Katarina Trstenjak

Link: https://climatedialogue.eu/sites/default/files/2018-11/01%20ClimateRecon2050%20PMP2%20agenda%2020181010.pdf

Citation: Katarina Trstenjak, Communication between modelers and policy makers, Climate RECON 2050: Second meeting of the Policy-Maker Platform, Varšava, 43382

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Local Energy Scoreboard & Heat Mapping

Authors: Gašper Stegnar


Citation: Gašper Stegnar, Local Energy Scoreboard & Heat Mapping, CA EED study visit Energy Performance Contracting in Slovenia, Ljubljana, 43412.



Pathway for shallow geothermal energy potential in district heating systems development in Slovenia

Authors: Gašper Stegnar


Citation: STEGNAR, Gašper, ČESEN, Matjaž, URBANČIČ, Andreja, ČIŽMAN, Jure, MERŠE, Stane, PESTOTNIK, Simona, PRESTOR, Joerg, STANIČIĆ, Damir. Pathway for shallow geothermal energy potential in district heating systems development in Slovenia. V: Book of abstracts. 4th International conference on smart energy systems and 4th generation district heating, 13-14 November 2018, Aalborg. Aalborg: Aalborg University, 2018.

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Use of shallow geothermal energy in new district heating systems in Slovenia

Authors: Gašper Stegnar, Stane Merše, Damir Staničić

Link: https://plus.si.cobiss.net/opac7/bib/32263463

Citation: STEGNAR, Gašper, MERŠE, Stane, STANIČIĆ, Damir. Raba plitve geotermalne energije v novih sistemih daljinskega ogrevanja v Sloveniji. V: Trajnostna in čista oskrba z energijo za ogrevanje in hlajenje = Sustainable and clean energy supply for heating and cooling : zbornik povzetkov. Mednarodna konferenca SZE 2019, Portorož, 31. marec – 2. april 2019. Ljubljana: Slovensko združenje za energetiko, 2019. Str. 32. ISBN 978-961-92367-5-8. 

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Conference Planning for 2050: EU experience with long-term climate strategies

Authors: Katarina Trstenjak

Link: https://climatedialogue.eu/event/planning-2050

Description: At the end of 2019, all EU Member States must have a national long-term climate strategy. Around half of them have already undertaken such 2050 planning exercises in recent years to help put them on a path towards drastic emission reductions. In fact, some are already reviewing existing strategies – increasing their ambition in the wake of the Paris Agreement.

The conference “Planning for 2050” took stock of the experience gained in Europe and presented lessons learnt as well as challenges encountered in different Member States – seeking to connect them to the EU’s own overall 2050 vision.

Citation: Katarina Trstenjak, LIFE ClimatePath2050, Conference Planning for 2050: EU experience with long-term climate strategies, Climate RECON 2050 project, Bruselj, 23.5.2019.


Monitoring efficiency and impact of the energy efficiency and renewable energy measures in the residential sector

Authors: Tadeja Janša, Andreja Urbančič, Barbara Petelin-Visočnik, Gašper Stegnar

Link: https://www.eceee.org/library/conference_proceedings/eceee_Summer_Studies/2019/4-monitoring-and-evaluation-for-greater-impact/monitoring-efficiency-and-impact-of-the-energy-efficiency-and-renewable-energy-measures-in-the-residential-sector/

Citation: Tadeja Janša, Andreja Urbančič, Barbara Petelin-Visočnik, Gašper Stegnar, “Monitoring efficiency and impact of the energy efficiency and renewable energy measures in the residential sector”, V: Papers and abstracts, eceee 2019 Summer Study on energy efficiency, 3-8 June, Presqu’île de Giens, (eceee Summer Study proceedings), Presqu’île de Giens, eceee, 2019.

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Is heat storage with a possibility of district heating beneficial to Solar Plus micro grids

Authors: Marko Kovač, Damir Staničić, Stane Urbančič, Andreja Urbančič

Link: https://www.eceee.org/library/conference_proceedings/eceee_Summer_Studies/2019/5-smart-and-sustainable-communities/is-heat-storage-with-a-possibility-of-district-heating-beneficial-to-solar-plus-micro-grids/

Citation: KOVAČ, Marko, STANIČIĆ, Damir, MERŠE, Stane, URBANČIČ, Andreja. Is heat storage with a possibility of district heating beneficial to Solar Plus micro grids. V: Papers and abstracts. eceee 2019 Summer Study on energy efficiency, 3-8 June, Presqu’île de Giens. Presqu’île de Giens: eceee, 2019. Str. 817-823. eceee Summer Study proceedings. ISBN 978-91-983878-0-3. ISSN 1653-7025.

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Insight in current state of 2050 modelling in MS-Slovenia

Authors: Katarina Trstenjak

Link: https://climatedialogue.eu/event/second-meeting-technical-dialogue

Description: The second Technical Dialogue meeting under the Climate Recon 2050 project took place in the Polish capital Warsaw. Participants came from 22 different institutions including ministries, government agencies, research institutes, think tanks and universities, from 11 European countries. During the meeting topics were discussed that were identified as in-depth topics at the first meeting. The focus was on EU & Member State modelling, transparency of modelling and communication of results to policy makers. In addition to the thematic focus, the second session of the Technical Dialogue included a series of presentations on national experiences in 2050 modelling in the Member States, namely the Czech Republic, Lithuania, Poland and Slovenia, Portugal, Italy and France.

Citation: Katarina Trstenjak, Insight in current state of 2050 modelling in MS-Slovenia, Projekt Climate RECON 2050: Second meeting of the Technical Dialogue, Warsaw, Poland, 9.10.2018.


Unveiling energy efficiency financial gap : the case of Slovenia

Authors: Andreja Cimerman, Denis Marinček, Andreja Urbančič, Matjaž Česen, Gašper Stegnar

Link: http://files.convin.gr/ENHR2019AB/

Citation: CIRMAN, Andreja, MARINŠEK, Denis, URBANČIČ, Andreja, ČESEN, Matjaž, STEGNAR, Gašper. Unveiling energy efficiency financial gap : the case of Slovenia. V: Housing for the next European social model : book of abstracts. European Network for Housing Research (ENHR) conference, Athens, 27th – 30th August 2019. [S. l.]: European Network for Housing Research (ENHR), 2019. Str. 102. http://files.convin.gr/ENHR2019AB/.


The framework for evaluation of technical and economic potential in heat pump-based new district heating systems: presented at 39th Euroheat & Power Congress

Authors: Gašper Stegnar

Link: https://www.ehpcongress.org/archive-2019/190507-1645/

Citation: STEGNAR, Gašper. The framework for evaluation of technical and economic potential in heat pump-based new district heating systems: presented at 39th Euroheat & Power Congress: New Perspectives, 6. May 2019, Nantes, France.

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The role of shallow geothermal energy in transition to low carbon energy systems in Slovenia 

Authors: Gašper Stegnar


Abstract: The deployment of geothermal energy systems can contribute significantly to climate change mitigation and play part in the transition to a low carbon society based on renewable energy by 2050. The challenge is not only to identify the amount of technical potential of possible exploitation but to determine the amount of economically viable potential as an individual heating system, new district heating systems or as support to existing ones.

Citation: STEGNAR, Gašper. The role of shallow geothermal energy in transition to low carbon energy systems in Slovenia. V: MIKOŠ, Matjaž (ur.), BEZAK, Nejc (ur.). Buildings and infrastructure resilience: WCF2019 book of abstracts with the programme. Ljubljana: Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo, 2019. Str. 47, ilustr. ISBN 978-961-6884-60-0. https://www.wcf2019.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/89.pdf.


Social policy or energy policy? Time to reconsider energy poverty policies

Authors: Kaja Primc, Renata Erker

Link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0973082619313894

Abstract: In this short communication piece, we draw attention to the discussion on policies for reducing energy poverty in European Union member states. We urgently need a policy approach able to support the transition from the current rising levels of energy poverty to a sustainable community with a greener and healthier future. /…/

Citation: PRIMC, Kaja, SLABE ERKER, Renata. Social policy or energy policy? : time to reconsider energy poverty policies. Energy Sustainable Development. 2020, vol. 55, str. 32-36. ISSN 0973-0826. DOI: 10.1016/j.esd.2020.01.001.


The effect of harvesting on national forest carbon sinks up to 2050 simulated by the CBM-CFS3 model: a case study from Slovenia

Authors: Bostjan Mali, Jernej Jevsenak, Matija Klopcic

Link: https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13486

Abstract: With the advent of global warming, forests are becoming an increasingly important carbon sink that can mitigate the negative effects of climate change. An understanding of the carbon dynamics of forests is, therefore, crucial to implement appropriate forest management strategies and to meet the expectations of the Paris Agreement with respect to international reporting schemes. One of the most frequently used models for simulating the dynamics of carbon stocks in forests is the Carbon Budget Model of the Canadian Forest Sector (CBM-CFS3). We applied this model in our study to evaluate the effects of harvesting on the carbon sink dynamics in Slovenian forests. /…/

Citation: MALI, Boštjan, JEVŠENAK, Jernej, KLOPČIČ, Matija. The effect of harvesting on national forest carbon sinks up to 2050 simulated by the CBM-CFS3 model: a case study from Slovenia. V: EGU General Assembly 2021 : Online : 19. – 30. april 2021. [S. l.]: European Geosciences Union, 2021. 1 spletni vir. https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13486, DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu21-13486.


Evaluation of Potential in Heat Pump-based New District Heating Systems

Authors: Gašper Stegnar

Link: https://emagazine.ehp-magazine.com/en/profiles/ae22e601d266/editions/d354b7a4224f1bb2eeb6

Citation: STEGNAR, Gašper. Evaluation of Potential in Heat Pump-based New District Heating Systems. Euro Heat & Power Magazine III-IV/2019, str.20-23. spletni vir. https://emagazine.ehp-magazine.com/en/profiles/ae22e601d266/editions/d354b7a4224f1bb2eeb6


Balancing investments in energy efficiency measures with conservation of cultural heritage buildings in the light of global warming – A Slovenian case study: presented at 4th ICOMOS

Authors: Gašper Stegnar, Stane Merše, Samo Gostič, Marjana Šijanec Zavrl, Miha Tomšič

Link: https://icomos.si/4-mednarodni-znanstveni-simpozij-icomos-slovenija/


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14. December, 2021

List all project Events

An overview of all project events

Več o tem
20. June, 2019

Workshop 25: Climate Neutrality – From Whether to How; Consultation on the long-term climate strategy of Slovenia

Focus, the Association for Sustainable Development, and the Jožef Stefan Institute conducted a public discussion about the long-term climate strategy and the expectations of different stakeholders and groups: political parties, interest groups, NGOs, and others. Guests from the EU NGO Climate Foundation and the European Commission attended the event. The key question addressed at the […]

Več o tem
11. December, 2019

Workshop 26: Financing the transition to a low-carbon society

The workshop focused on the financial reforms needed in Slovenia for the transition to a low-carbon society and facilitated an exchange of views on financing among financial and climate change experts. Date: 11 December 2019 Workshop Material: Potentials for reducing GHG emissions by 2050 and medium-term challenges: Financing the transition  and the tax policies (SL), […]

Več o tem
12. June, 2018

Photo Competition Climate Path for Youth

In the frame of LIFE ClimatePath2050 project, we conducted a photo competition for youth entitled Climate Path. Since the project is also focusing on climate action until 2050 – that said the climate that they will live in and experience it, we decided to focus our photo contest on young people and to see their […]

Več o tem
22. March, 2018

Other Reports

Other reports available in the Slovene language can be found here. English abstracts are available for the following reports:

Več o tem
22. July, 2018

Other publications

Our team members continuously contribute insights and research on climate policy in the fields of their expertise: energy, forestry, economy among others. Here you can find the full list of their scientific and other contributions, prepared based on the LIFE ClimatePath2050 project results.

Več o tem
22. July, 2021

Monitoring climate and energy policy implementation – How to take a step forward

This paper describes the establishment of the Climate Action Mirror, an integrated national climate action monitoring system in Slovenia. The main aim of the Mirror was to encourage policymakers to use analyses more to track the progress of the implementation of climate actions and thus to steer these activities towards a climate-neutral society. The system was developed in three annual cycles, in consultation with stakeholders and including a wide network of experts.

Več o tem
Exposed content
16. March, 2022

The project Layman’s report

Analyses made in the LIFE ClimatePath2050 project have shown that Slovenia has an opportunity to become a climate neutral country by the middle of the century. On this basis, Slovenia has decided on its target: to achieve climate neutrality by 2050 and it included this in its Long-term Climate Strategy.

Več o tem
Exposed content
22. July, 2021

Climate Action Mirror

Periodic reports reflecting the main findings on monitoring the implementation of measures for the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions was prepared in collaboration with stakeholders and experts.

Več o tem
Exposed content
28. November, 2019

Wise decisions for our climate – Video

The Paris Agreement can only be successfully implemented if climate change and its challenges are addressed through the participation of different stakeholders at all levels. How does the LIFE ClimatePath2050 project contribute to compliance with targets? Watch the video below to learn more:

Več o tem
Exposed content
5. October, 2021

Watch the video with the results of the LIFE ClimatePath2050 project!

The results of the LIFE ClimatePath2050 project, which ends in December 2021, are now also summarized in the video entitled “Our goal is climate neutrality”.

Več o tem
19. July, 2021


CONFERENCE PROGRAMME LIFE ClimatePath2050 International Conference: Designing Pathways toward Climate Neutrality Hybrid event: in Ljubljana and online via Zoom.  All the international speakers are participating online. The conference will be held in the English language.     Wednesday, 6 October 2021 Session I: How ambitious are the long-term climate strategies? 9.00      Welcome addresses […]

Več o tem
17. May, 2020

Workshop 34: A presentation of analyses of scenarios for reducing greenhouse gases (climate change mitigation) in Slovenia up to 2050

The Government of the Republic of Slovenia adopted the long-term climate strategy to become climate neutral by 2050. Background analyses (projections of GHG emissions reduction) were prepared by a consortium led by the JSI Energy Efficiency Centre within the LIFE ClimatePath2050 project. In a short lecture, JSI experts presented the methodology and projections for greenhouse […]

Več o tem
11. June, 2019

Technical Workshop 2: The future of natural gas and the development of alternative carbon-free gases

In the preparation of strategic documents for the transition to a low-carbon society at the Jožef Stefan Institute – Energy Efficiency Centre, a meeting of experts was held to exchange views and review the status and direction of activities in the transition to a low-carbon society. The expert consultation was part of a series of technical workshops […]

Več o tem
7. October, 2021

[Presentations] International Conference: “Designing Pathways toward Climate Neutrality” | 6. – 8. October 2021

Over three days of the LIFE CLimatePath2050 international conference “Designing Pathways toward Climate Neutrality” we have listened to insightful lectures from experts all around Europe. You are now able to access the conference recordings as well as the presentations.

Več o tem